Monday, April 6, 2009

Workplace massages can help take the stress out of the recession and keep staff healthy and happy.

With the recession biting in the workplace, companies are increasingly looking at ways to improve staff morale.

The Healing Place, which offers tailor-made short massage at company premises, says the benefits are clear.

“Businesses that have seen the positive impact that regular massage has on motivation and the ability of staff to manage stress realise that investing in the service makes even more sense when things get tough,” says Ramona, at the Healing Place.

“When market conditions are challenging, companies need to be at their most competitive. It is essential that staff are engaged and working to their full potential. Workplace massage can help companies achieve this in a simple and affordable way and our clients are very aware of this.”

Companies choose to offer the service in a number of ways – some pay for the massage, some offer a subsidised treatment and others leave it to staff to take up, and pay for, the option should they choose it. In each case the treatment is roughly 15 minutes and tailored to the individual.

“We find that a shorter massage is very relaxing but it is not like an hour long massage which can leave staff too relaxed. This is actually quite energising, like a short power nap, which means staff can return to their desks ready to be more productive.”

Human resources departments around the country, tasked with bringing down the cost of sickness absence, are introducing wellbeing programmes in record numbers.
With two of those major causes being back pain and stress, massage may be the magic pill companies have been searching for. Working on the back, massage is able to reduce and prevent pain while its relaxing benefits are a tried and tested stress buster.

For more details, e-mail or call 651-206-7141

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