Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Auto accident injuries such as whiplash may not show up right away. It is not uncommon for the extent of the injuries to show their true colors a few days to a few weeks down the road.

One reason mentioned by the Spine Research Institute of San Diego is that some of the tissues that are typically injured do not have a very dense nerve supply. Therefore, the injured tissue and the inflammatory response takes a bit of "brewing" before pain thresholds are met. This is simplistic, obviously, but helps explains why there can be a delay.

If one has been in an auto accident and doesn't feel a lot of pain, it is important to have their spinal function assessed for individual spinal joint function (alignment and movement) and x-rays taken with special views to help rule out problems such as ligament damage that can show up in the neck.

If you or a loved one have been injured in an auto accident, call our office at (651) 206-7141 to set up a time for a consultation, much of the time your massage is covered under your auto insurance.

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